Greg Ritscher
Survivor, Fighter, Leader, Author, and Speaker
Greg Ritscher is a dynamic speaker with decades of experience in motivating individuals and corporations to take on measurable goals to claim the success they desire.
He himself was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2011 amid the hustle of career and family life. Shortly after coming to terms with his regressive condition, Greg made the decision to take Parkinson’s head-on with a new sense of urgent passion and purpose. Sadly, just a few years later, as he was finally settling into his new pace of life, he was hit with a second disaster, prostate cancer. Battling life-threatening medical conditions has almost become second nature to Greg. He refuses to become complacent, or merely be a victim of circumstance. Greg makes every single day count for something better. Maintaining a sharp mind and a passion for fitness is no longer just a personal preference, for Greg it has become a matter of survival.
This former “Warlord of Commerce” is quickly becoming a true champion and guide for the greater Parkinson’s community, as well as anyone facing major setbacks in their lives.
If you are not reading this guy’s book, or booking him for your next speaking opportunity, you are definitely missing out on the wisdom and fortitude of this humble yet fiery man of action.
Parkinson's Foundation - Ambasador
Davis Phinney Foundation - Ambassador
Parkinson's Pointe (Colorado) - Board of Directors
PMD Alliance - Ambasador
3085Thrive - Panama City Beach, FL Parkinson's Support Group Leader
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
― Muhammad Ali
“I think we can replace “impossible” with “Incurable”. It sums a lot of how I feel about living with Parkensons. There is always room to fight!”
― Greg Ritscher

“I am only one, but I am one!”
“I cannot do everything, but I can do something.”
“Significance in life is a gift to others as it brings hope. Life is an occasion — rise to it!”
Having Greg speak at your conference or business event would be a great catalyst to launch your group into your next big mission!
Greg also contributes to many virtual conferences and live-stream seminars as well. To learn more, be sure to use this contact form.