In this episode, Greg Ritscher discusses: How he transferred the skills that made him successful in his career to live well with Parkinson’s.
It started with a tremor in his pinky finger. Within a year, his hand began to shake. Greg’s doctor diagnosed it as an essential tremor, possibly nerve damage caused by an old sports injury.
Join the free webinar with Greg Ritscher hosted by Parkinson Association of the Rockies
Everyone’s Parkinson’s symptoms are different and so is everyone’s basic ability to exercise. But here are 13 ideas to get you started.
We need to take a hard look at our reactions, and our frame of mind in the midst of difficult times.
My job is to be receptive of the necessary tilling, so that I can receive the seeds of life and make them grow exponentially over time.
The history of Parkinson’s disease begins with Dr. James Parkinson. He wrote a scholarly review in 1817 entitled, “Essay on the Shaking Palsy”.
The explosion is charged with such force that it changes your worldview for the balance of your existence. You never look at your life in the same way as you once did.
This book is a fresh take on life with Parkinson’s from someone who knows how to leverage his support system and focus on the important things in life. — John M. Dean, MA, CCC-SLP
Back in 1978, you used to have to get up at 5am on Monday mornings during the winter interviewing months and walk to the Career Placement Center on campus.
Work, Giving Back, Deep Brain Stimulation, and Parkinson’s with Greg Ritscher - The Parkinson’s Podcast